The Practicum component of Wisdom’s Way and Tacheria Interfaith Schools provides students with a real-world opportunity for learning through practice in the skills and accepted practices of Spiritual Direction/Spiritual Companionship. Our team of skilled spiritual directors, along with a cohort of peers, create the opportunity for students to integrate learned concepts and techniques by participating in actual companion:client relationships. This is the supportive structure for thoughtful and respectful learning.
The Practicum is especially suited to those who desire support opening their own practice of Spiritual Direction or who desire to have a chance to practice their skills with insightful and constructive feedback.
The Practicum is held online via ZOOM and takes approximately one year to complete from January to January.
Schedule: The two-hour Class is typically held the 4th Sunday of the month from 5:00-7:00 PM (Arizona time zone – Summer/AZ time = Pacific Daylight Savings; Winter/AZ time = Mountain Standard time.)
Practicum Staff: Karen Gatlin, Inge Detweiler, Frannie Walsh (see info, below).
Class size is limited! Only ten students are accepted into this program per year to ensure that each student has time to present their verbatims and experiences during Peer Supervision. See registration form below to reserve your space.
Questions & Answers for commonly asked Practicum questions.
Comments from Practicum Participants:

“Practicum is an essential part of the journey of stepping into the role of Holy Listener. It provides a space to hear the experiences of my peers and vice versa. It is incredibly grounding to be able to both give and receive Presence with my peers and facilitators in this sacred group container. And, in my opinion, it was essential to owning and becoming the Spiritual Companion I am meant to be. It was a very special experience that I wouldn’t have wanted to miss.” – Ann O.
“Participating in Wisdom’s Way was an amazing experience. For me, the ability to participate in the practicum offered experience and learning. I discovered how to become a more effective spiritual companion. The ability to share my experiences with my mentors and peers allowed for great affirmation and growth. The practicum offered a way to review how I felt about my spiritual companion sessions. It also allowed me to hear thoughts and ideas from my peers and mentors through their experiences. I am grateful for the practicum experience as it has helped me to become a better spiritual companion.” – Robin C.
The Practicum Course consists of a total of 13 two-hour classes and peer supervision sessions divided into two Components – Education and Practice.
The First Part is Educational (5 Sessions):
- January-March educational spiritual direction component focuses on personalizing, marketing, and establishing a spiritual direction practice which uses “best practices” recommended by Spiritual Directors International (includes reading and home study).
- April-May practice spiritual direction sessions. During the April-May time period, our class sessions are spent learning simple techniques and applying Spiritual Direction skills in one-on-one sessions with another student. At the close of the practice session, we return to the large group to share observations and awarenesses. Outside of class, students find and complete student “contract” paperwork with one to three clients (two are optimal) from their spiritual communities and/or extended family and social groups. (Immediate family/close friends are not suggested.)
The Second Part is Experiential (8 sessions)
This component consists of holding sessions with Student Practicum Clients and attending monthly 2-hour Peer or Individual Supervision sessions:
Meeting with 1 or 2 (3 maximum) clients a total of 20 times (so, for example, if there are two clients, student would meet 10 times for one hour each).
Participating in Spiritual Direction Supervision – June-January, 4th Sunday of each month (with one summer month off).
- Option One (cost included in tuition): Most students will choose to do Peer Supervision. With this option, the Practicum student will participate in Group Peer Supervision with their student cohort. Group is facilitated by experienced leaders and companions who have been students or staff of Tacheria/Wisdom’s Way schools. Please meet our staff, below. (Peer Supervision free of additional charge).
- Option Two (cost paid by student). Student may choose to contract with an individual Spiritual Direction Supervisor listed as a supervisor on SDI website ( with cost of supervision paid by student.
Total Program Cost: $500 tuition covers Educational Component and Peer Supervision.
To Register:
Complete the Registration Form by using this link to a fillable PDF form.
If paying your Tuition Installment, rather than the full tuition, use the “Other Amount” option in the Paypal form below and fill in your installment amount.
About Karen Gatlin Facilitator of Practicum Education (she/her/ella) . . .
Karen’s passion: Fostering shared experiences of the Sacred.

Karen Gatlin is a retired ordained minister of the United Church of Christ and the former Director of Wisdom’s Way Interfaith School of Spirituality. Karen has been on a spiritually eclectic path most of her life with periods of immersion in recovery spirituality, the mystical teachings of Jesus, Buddha, Judaism and other spiritual pieces. She is inspired by personal experiences, embodied practices, meditation, the transformative and healing power of time in nature, the feminine, creativity, music, and energy practice. Karen has focused on interfaith spiritual companionship since 2014 (studying at The Chaplaincy Institute, Berkeley and Tacheria Interfaith School, Tucson). Karen’s purpose in life is to, “experience the sacred, give and receive soul support and to be a trustworthy companion for the journey.” Karen and her partner, John, reside in Oro Valley, AZ.
About Rev. Inge Detweiler, Facilitator of Practicum Peer Supervision

Inge Detweiler is an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ, a former student of Tacheria Interfaith Spirituality School, Tucson, and the current pastor of Borderlands Unitarian Universalist Church, Green Valley, AZ. She has participated in Teresa Blythe’s apprenticeship program (Teresa Blythe is a guest speaker for our Practicum Program and is an author, spiritual director and spiritual direction supervisor).
About Frannie Walsh, Spiritual Companion and Communicator of the Practicum (she/her) . . .

Frannie’s Passion: Being inspired, creativity and learning.
Fran Walsh has a Masters in Holistic Health Counseling and Education. She completed spiritual direction training with Center for Spiritual Guidance, St. Paul, Minnesota, and is a 2017 graduate of Wisdom’s Way Interfaith School, Phoenix. She has been a spiritual seeker all of her adult life and has gathered knowledge on psychology, spirituality and holistic health. Frannie has been trained in Reiki and Yoga Nidra. She has done intensive training with Bentino Massaro’s work on empowerment and has interned in Integral Breathwork with Carol Lampman. She says, “for me, breathwork has been an integrating of my past gathered knowledge – moving me from knowledge into experience.” Frannie and her partner, Delos, live in Scottsdale, AZ.